Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Pregnancy Glucose Tolerance Tests for Pregnant Women Might Be at a Higher Risk of Developing GDM

<br /><a href="">Pregnancy Glucose Tolerance Tests for Pregnant Women Might Be at a Higher Risk of Developing GDM</a>

tipstipskehamilan. The glucose tolerance test is a test to screen for gestational diabetes which is a complication of pregnancy that caused by a high blood sugar condition that starts or is diagnosed during pregnancy. This tests are performed between 26 and 28 weeks of pregnancy. So If midwife or GP recognises that pregnant women might be at a higher risk of developing gestational diabetes, the pregnant women will be offered a Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT).

Pregnancy Glucose Tolerance Tests
Glucose, or commonly called blood sugar, is an important energy source that is produced by the process of digestion of food that is needed by all the cells and organs of our bodies. It is also produced by the body during pregnancy and to be delivered by the placenta to the baby. It is the only source of nourishment of the baby during that period.

The placenta also makes sure that they produce hormones that can help in the development of the baby. However, these hormones become a burden to actually make use of insulin. The placenta tends to elevate its production of anti-insulin hormones about halfway through pregnancy.

An event, they termed as insulin resistance, can occur in which anti-insulin hormones tend to interrupt the motion of glucose from the bloodstream towards in body cells when they are made in excess amounts. This will in turn result the body to not produce ample insulin. Thus, this can bring about diabetes because of too much glucose build up.

If the levels of glucose are high, the woman may be at risk for gestational diabetes and it can affect both the women and baby's health. Routine testing with the glucose challenge test and possibly the glucose tolerance test will be done.

Routine testing with the glucose challenge test and the glucose tolerance test are performed between 26 and 28 weeks of pregnancy. These tests help determine whether pregnant women body is processing the sugars her consume properly.

For glucose challenge test pregnant women will be given a syrupy sweet drink. An hour after drinking the solution, her blood will be drawn as this will be when peak blood glucose levels will be reached. If the levels of glucose are high, most likely the next step will be to take the glucose tolerance test.

For the glucose tolerance test, the pregnant woman will be asked to consume at least 150 milligrams of carbohydrates or glucose for a few days prior to testing. The women will be asked to fast for 14 hours before the test. The health care provider will then draw the blood to measure glucose levels at the start of the test and at time intervals following the initial test.

If blood sugar is found to be higher then 128 mg/dl after fasting, or higher than 200 mg/dl on any occasion, and if these results are confirmed on a subsequent day, pregnant women will be diagnosed with gestational diabetes and she will not be tested again. So testing for gestational diabetes early on in pregnancy is important for both mother and baby.


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